Gas pipeline repairs & emergency response training III ended
Gas pipeline maintenance and emergency response training in Chengdu, Sichuan province, the third leg of a series this year, has ended on schedule on Thursday. In addition to class lectures and discussions, attendees also visited gas facilities in Chengdu city and got on-site understanding on emergency response system and its operation rules.
The following is a brief introduction about the training series.
China’s natural gas pipeline network is expanding quickly and safety challenges as a result are ever-increasing. The ability to prevent any gas incident and to have proper emergency response system and maintenance capacity in place is one of the core requirements for all gas operators. After successfully holding four different sessions of pipeline emergency response technology and technics training in four different cities in 2014, China Natural Gas Industry Association (CNGIA) will organize another three training sessions this year, in March, April and May, respectively.
Main training topics
1, latest laws and regulations for natural gas operators
2, natural gas pipeline inspection
3, pipeline maintenance technics and procedures
3, operational manual for pipeline emergency response
4, emergency response procedure, technology and technics
5, pipeline welding technics
6, pipeline operation risk assessment
7, case studies of emergency response system
Participants are encouraged to join a site visit after the training and detailed arrangement of the site visit will be announced later.
Training time and locations
March 23-25, Beijing
April 22-24, Luoyang, Henan province
May 13-14, Chengdu, Sichuan province.
CNGIA secretiat
Tele: (8610)-57734055 53381528 56290280
Fax: (8610)-52258650
For partnership cooperationTele: (8610)-57734050 53517752